Juried/invitational exhibits
(1) Blue Ridge Arts Council 12th Spring Regional April 1-28, BRAC Gallery, Front Royal, VA
(2, 3) Blue Ridge Arts Council Members' Exhibit June 2-30, BRAC Gallery, Front Royal, VA
League of Reston Artists 8th Annual Juried June 5-July 2, LRA Gallery, Reston, VA. Juror: Millie Shott
Aldie Mill Art Show June 9-24, Aldie Mill, Aldie, VA
Artwalk at Heatherwood Retirement Village July 21, Burke, VA
Springfield Art Guild Fall Art Show August 1-October 30, Green
Springs Gardens, Alexandria, VA. Juror: Ted Betts
Artsfest 2001 Outdoor arts festival September 22-23, Solomons, MD
18th Annual North American Miniatures Exhibition September 25-October 26, Fell's Point, Maryland. Juror: Margaret Hicks.
Four Seasons of Oatlands November 2-30, Oatlands Plantation, Leesburg, VA (as of 2001, this ceased to be an awards show)
Open Exhibition, Arts Council of Fairfax County. November 5-December 6, Fairfax, VA. Juror: Pamela Bailey.
Blue Ridge Arts Council Holiday Exhibit November 24-December 21, BRAC Gallery, Front Royal, VA
Competitions (not juried)
(4, 5) Fredericksburg Fine Art Show March 11-18, Dorothy Hart Community Center, Fredericksburg, VA
54th Neighborhood Art Show May 18-20, The Plains, VA
(6, 7, 8) Old Rose Celebration May 12-13, Old Rose Garden, Manassas, VA
HeART, Prince William Art Society Regional May 19, Lake Ridge, VA
(9) 58th Annual Waterford Fair October 5-7, Waterford, VA
(10) Manassas Art Guild Holiday Show December 16-January 12, Sudley Manor, Manassas, VA
Other exhibits
"Re-Awakenings", Prince William Art Society March 2-30, Borders Books, Woodbridge, VA
Art Inspired by Shakespeare's Tempest* March 9-April 8, Cramer Center, Manassas, VA
Manassas Art Guild Member's Show April 1-28, Bull Run Library, Manassas, VA
Prince William Art Society 3rd Starving Artists Show* April 2, Canterbury Woods Community Center, Woodbridge, VA
Small Wonders V, Prince William Art Society Miniatures Exhibit July 1-31, Chinn Library, Woodbridge, VA
32nd Bluemont Fair September 16-17, Bluemont, VA
The Art of Sound, Prince William Art Society Theme Exhibit November 1-30, Bull Run Library, Manassas, VA
Prince William Art Society 2nd Holiday Show November 10-11, Montclair, VA
Christmas Art Show, Piedmont Art League December 7-15, Warrenton, VA
(1) Honorable Mention Sol-Kist, collage Judge:
(2) Second Place Red, White & Blue, pastel Judge:
(3) Honorable Mention Old Rose Garden, watercolor Judge:
(4) Hon. Mention, Mixed Media Shady Avenue, pastel, w/c & ink Judge: Andrea Pollan
(5) Hon. Mention, Watercolor Periwinkle Path Judge: Andrea Pollan
(6) First, Landscapes Periwinkle Path, watercolor Judge: Pauline Lorfano
(7) First, Historic Spring at Ben Lomond, pastel Judge: Pauline Lorfano
(8) Second, Flowers Daffodils, watercolor Judge: Pauline Lorfano
(9) Third, Mixed Media Shady Avenue, pastel, w/c & ink Judge: Deborah St. Hours
(10) First, Mixed Media Shady Avenue, pastel, w/c & ink Judge: Randy Michener